Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My First Blog

Girls Talking#1, Jennifer Hinrichs 2009
Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inches
(Part of a series)

My friend Barbara Muir,
who you may know as a Skype artist, has just helped
me set up my blog! I'm very excited to have the chance
to share my paintings with you. I work
in acrylics and pastels. This painting was
inspired by a black and white 1950s newspaper
photograph of two sisters in Nova Scotia
talking on their front porch. I love the
feeling I get from translating old photographs
into paint through the filter of my own memory
and emotion. I enjoy imposing my own sense of colour
and design.

I look forward to getting to know you and to
learn more about your art.

Please leave your comments, I can't wait to
meet you.


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    Great painting, and it was so much fun getting
    this up and running. I think you'll find you
    have quite a few comments by tomorrow.


  2. Hi Jennifer, I really like your art and the feeling behind it as well as your use of colors. Congrats on setting up your blog - it is really so much fun and I have learned a lot from all the other artists I follow. It's a great community to be a part of. Enjoy! I'll look forward to seeing your future postings.

  3. Wonderful colors! Welcome to the world of blogging. Be sure to vist other artist's blogs and leave comments; it's the best way to buuild your traffic.

  4. Hi Jennifer. I love the painting--the shapes and patterns; it's a great idea to use old photos as a taking off point! I'll have to try that myself!
    I look forward to seeing more.

  5. Welcome to blogland! You have a great friend and tutor in Barbara M! This painting is so great - delicious colors!

  6. Hi Jennifer!
    Oh how I miss your beautiful work! I am still inspired by those paintings you did at the Brickworks where you combined charcoal with paint. I'd love to see them on your blog!
    Congrats on making the leap to the blogosphere!
